Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Registration Frustrations

So, the BF finally went for it!  He decided to run the Chicago Marathon!

Yay, BF!  So Exciting!


No... hold on... running a marathon may be less difficult than registering for a marathon.

As you probably know, the Chicago Marathon registration through became quite the cluster... well, mess.  My poor BF was a bundle of nerves and excitement to register at noon the first day registration opened.

We made plans to have lunch together.  He took his MacBook with him to our favorite little coffee and sandwich shop to hone in on their free wifi.  We ordered food (not that he cared at all about food at a time like that), and he set himself up to register.

Then, frustration began.  Dead end after dead end.  I can't even remember what their error codes said, but we got nowhere.  Finally, we each attempted on our iPhones as well.  We got closer on a couple occasions, but no dice.

Poor BF.  :( 
He had to go back to work, with NO marathon registration.

Well, that will be the day I let my BF suffer like that if I can do anything about it!.  I was fortunate enough not to have any clients in my schedule right after lunch.  Don't tell anyone...shhh... but I spent a little time at work trying to get him registered.  Shhhh!  Shhh!  Big Brother is always watching...

But my BF deserved it!  And dang it if I didn't succeed in getting my man signed up for his very first marathon!  (insert cheering crowd noises here)

Not long after that, though, the big crash... the website crash, that is.  As of today, it's still all a giant mess, but my BF is registered!  Confirmed!  He's running the Chicago Marathon this fall!!!!!

(Big sigh of relief and grin of joy)

With that, I could return my focus to my own upcoming race...

As you know, in just over two weeks, I'm running the Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon in D.C.  Well, walk-running it, but whatevs.

The BF is running it, too, and he periodically mentions emails he has gotten from the race.  I've heard nothing since the confirmation email and receipt, but he gets emails.  A week or so ago, I emailed them asking to be put on their mailing list so I didn't miss anything.

No response.

So, Monday, I went to email again.  While on their main page, I see the "confirm registration" button, and figure I might as well start there.  I bet you can imagine where this is headed...


No Matching Participant Found

Please double check your information and try submitting again. In case you have difficulties downloading or printing this mandatory document, blank confirmation cards will be available in the lobby of the Health & Fitness Expo for you to complete and turn in. Please bring photo ID.

Q. What if it shows that I am Not found in the database?A. Please put in your information exactly as it shows on your receipt/confirmation that you received when you originally registered. Often times, names are entered backwards or we have an incorrect date of birth for you. If you can confirm your registration (either by an e-mailed receipt/confirmation or credit card statement/cleared check) and there is a typo with your name or date of birth, please be sure to visit the Solutions table at the Health and Fitness Expo and we will be able to change your information in the system. We will have blank confirmation sheets for you to fill out at the expo to retrieve your race packet, make sure that you bring your Photo ID.

 Well, needless to say I started to panic at this point.  I went back to my confirmation email and called the phone number.  I called, and start to explain to the gal my dilemma.  She checked my confirmation number with their system.  Nothing.  I offered to email the confirmation, and she told me she just fields the calls and I can address it with Laura.  Unfortunately, Laura was out of the office Monday, as they were all out for the NOLA race on Sunday.  "She will be in tomorrow, and I'm sure she'll get back to you soon."  OK, fine.  Sure, I'll leave a voicemail.

So, I left a slightly panicked, but bubbly voicemail.  "Please confirm this for me, because I'm wigging out a little" blah blah blah, all sweet and non-confrontational. 

Tuesday comes and goes.  Nothing.

So, today, Wednesday, I called again.  I asked for Laura, saying I called the other day and hadn't heard back.  I was told that Laura was in meetings all day yesterday, and has not come in yet today (10:30am CST).  Did I need to leave another voicemail, or just wait for her to respond to the one I left?  Oh, I'll leave another voicemail, thank you very much.

This one, less pleasant, but still not witchy:  "Please call me...  The money was taken from my account...  I have a confirmation email, etc."

In the meantime, the race is near selling out, and I have no race number, no nothing.  All I have is a check account with $135 less in it than there used to be.  I signed up January 18th!!!

So, the evening has come and gone without a call from Laura (of  So, now I email again.  Tonight I emailed Competitor Group and 

Tomorrow I will call with a less-than-pleasant tone, but I know I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt here.  Of course, they will make this right.  Right?  They have my money.  I have proof that they have my money.  I'm sure this will all work itself out, but it is still ridiculous!  All I keep thinking is, "what if I hadn't checked?"  I don't usually check my registration.  This race is almost sold out, and I would have gone there to get my bib and swag, and found NOTHING.  Sure, maybe they'd have made it right when I got there, but who wants that fight at the expo?  Who wants that emotional roller coaster before their race!?!?

What the heck is going on with these big races?  Is it just me?  Is this happening to a lot of people?  Do you normally check your registration for your races?  Have you ever had problems like these?

I'd love your feedback.  Throw me a comment, would ya?  I'd love to know if I'm not the only one frustrated like this.

For now, I'll keep you posted, and I'll keep my running skirt on and train...


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