Is it Friday yet?
The BF said it best in a text today, when he wrote, "Planning Chicago on a Monday night makes the rest of the week seem agonizingly slow." Well said, BF!
We have been planning to catch the Picasso exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago ever since we first heard about it. Unfortunately, between the kiddo time and a number of other events, we only have two weekends available before the exhibit ends. One of the options is this weekend. So, in debate about it, I looked at Expedia last night, and found a great deal on a hotel right off Michigan Avenue.
$99 for that kind of location, with free wifi to boot? Sold! "Let's do it!" we agreed, and a few clicks later it was booked.
The BF and I love little road trips, and we love Chicago even more. And the Art Institute? Seriously, what is not to love about Chicago? Don't get me started on Millennium Park!
But, wait a minute! Check the weather! Holy snow! They're apparently getting dumped on today. (deep breath) No matter. Chicago knows we are coming, and all will be well by our arrival Friday night. Right? Right!
So, what a perfect opportunity to do a dry run for packing for the big trip next week! I've been getting really nervous about the Rock 'n Roll Half in D.C., and packing is just one of the reasons. What if I forget something? What if they lose my luggage? What if I don't pack the best running gear for the weather? Forget about the main reason I'm taking the trip. Conference shmonference. It's all about the race!
I've been googling like crazy, trying to find suggestions for packing for a destination race. I love lists, (and have already begun several in preparation for this trip), but a quick jaunt to Chicago is a perfect opportunity to test myself!
So, I texted the BF that I think we should run while we are there. He's on board, because he's awesome... Also because he needs to get a run in this weekend anyway, and he's hoping to get another getaway run logged onto his Garmin.
So, sweet! It is set. I have a perfect excuse to begin immediately obsessing over the preparation for my D.C. trip. Eh, who am I kidding? I've been way beyond obsessing for a while now. :)
Let the packing list begin:
Running Skirt (priority #1, of course)
Smurfy shoes
contacts and shades
sports bra
ear buds (iPhone is a given)
arm band
Gu (I probably won't run far enough to need it, but I'm still testing them to find the one I love best)
running shirt -- long sleeve? yeah, probably :(
some regular clothes and shampoo and things
Burt's Bees
Yep, that ought to do it!
Chicago, here we come! On Friday. (wah, wah, waaaaah)
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